Sunday, 23 September 2012

You always in our midst

Today I was struck by the way God works though us with out us actually being aware sometimes! It shows me how much I am in his hands. He does everything and I need to be open to Him in every moment. I am more than ever convinced about the immersion in God!
Even being at home all day yesterday I noticed that the world comes in through various ways, and I find myself adopting attitudes which are not really love for my neighbour. Going to mass this morning I  felt that I was in need of nothing! I am privileged enough to have God with me, what more do I need? Not just me and God, but Jesus in our midst with Paul & Mary, Noreen, Joelle, Louise and Pat! It doesn't take much either, other than being there for the other, offering my life for them. 
One of the readings today talks about jealousy and greed and envy in the early community, and I was struck by the fact that also in our community these things can happen, if we are not immersed in God! I can be immersed in God if I am open to my brother or sister in the present moment! Then I meditated on something Chiara said in 1958! 
Then where can I find you, where can I look for you on earth? Where can I imbue my soul, where can I imbue all my being? Where can I find you? I don’t know the measure of God, because it’s not possible to measure God, but supposing that we could use human measures… if it were possible to find tons of God, where could I find him?”
There are lots of places where I can find God:
  1. In the Eucharist, which for me is such a wonderful thing! There he is amongst his creation!
  2. In my brother and sister! If only I would always love the way Jesus loves me I would never be without him. Each one of us is created as a gift. God has given us talents as his expression of love for us and put people different from me next to me as expression of his love for me! And I pick holes into his gifts!! He is ok but... She talks too much but...Instead of they are completing with their talents what I do not have! Thanks for your gifts!  His love for each one of us makes us one and instead of looking enviously at the talents of the other we rejoice that the talent in the other is actually there to complete our life! It's my neighbour who keeps me on the straight and narrow, because I cannot go to God alone. 
  3. In our midst, God among his people, and we would listen to the Holy Spirit, because we don't really want anything else! Isn't it great to know that if I love by living my life in donation to others, if I keep nothing for myself, if I love going beyond my health, my limits, my not being up to it, my being similar to Jesus on the Cross, He is actually beside me, in our midst! What a great gift! Is there anything else I need or want?
  4. In the word, scripture! I could reflect on the same text every day and I would discover something else all the time. I know that God speak to me through the scripture, but am I always open to hear? 
There are other ways to be with God, but just looking at these four, I realise that God is all around me. My best friend is always with me! I am never alone, if I don't want to be. 

Jesus, I than you for this tumour more than you can imagine! Without it I would probably never understood and lived the things I do now. I want to carry on playing to show you, Love, to a world which is looking for just that and does not know it has Love living in its midst! Today I offer everything so that you remain always in our midst. 

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