Friday, 21 September 2012

Stay immersed in Him

Today's readings are very beautiful and strong! I could not help but think that St Paul could have been talking at the meeting of the delegates and the whole of the movement!!
Bear with one another charitably, in complete selflessness, gentleness and patience. Do all you can to preserve the unity of the Spirit by the peace that binds you together. There is one Body, one Spirit, just as you were all called into one and the same hope when you were called.
In other words put God always first. It makes me think that it is a constant battle for us to have God in the first place no matter what our actual vocation is. "Do all" is that not the same as Emmaus saying God above all? Is it not because of this that there is such an atmosphere of joy and peace in Rome? 

The second bit that struck me was the descriptions of all the various gift God has given us! I notice that the minute I start comparing them with each other I unwittingly establish a hierarchy of values. Not so in God. God does attach more value to preaching or organising or reflecting! In a sense he cannot do without us. It is when we forget that our abilities are not really ours, if we misappropriate them, and start thinking they are more important than God himself, thinking that we have a right to be listened to, because we are the experts, etc that he cannot work through us. I am struck by the fact that each gift can easily become a cross when there is no love. 

The gospel of today is the crown, because it shows God's love for each one of us!! I can be the biggest sinner, make the most mistakes and have given up on myself, thrown in the towel, and yet Jesus hasn't!! He asks me to follow him. God loves me immensely to the extent that he wants me to be with him, as I am "imperfect by human standards"! So, here I am, unable to do much by way of activity, but giving my life for him in my neighbour in the present moment!!He gives me himself, in my neighbour, amongst us I can live with him all day long, if I stay immersed in Him! 

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