Sunday, 2 September 2012

Let's play together

I noticed that I am finding it difficult at time to concentrate, to live fully the present moment. This is partly due to the medication I am taking, and one remedy is to do things slower! So, I need to slow down! This is really good, because it makes me live more fully the present moment.  Today I came across a meditation by Chiara entitled: "For Our Hour" (29/11/01) It is simply marvellous. She was thinking of how best to prepare for that hour of her going to meet Jesus and mentioned the way Luminosa did live her illness, fully in the present!
I remembered Luminosa, our extraordinary focolarina from Argentina. When she was very seriously ill and realised that she was nearing the end of her life, she took as a norm to live by: “Keep on playing”. She did this so as to imitate a saint who had been asked, while he was playing, what he would do if he learned that he was soon to die, and had replied: “I would keep on playing.” (...)
So Luminosa hadn’t thought about afterwards. She hadn’t meditated on what would come afterwards in order to prepare herself for her HOUR. She had lived the present moment with the greatest intensity.
I could identify with the keep on playing in the present moment. I thank God for giving me this enormous present of the moment! 

But in addition to Chiara's experience I dare to add something else: Chiara seems to look at the life of the present moment mostly from an individual aspect. How do I live for my hour? I noticed that, if I lived intensely in the present moment loving the person next to me in that moment we travel to together and my living for that hour becomes our living for that hour. 

It is such a great gift to stay in the present! Together we can help each other to stay in that present moment and together we also have Jesus with us! 

To stay with the play, it is not much fun to play a game on your own. I am ready then to carry on playing together. Let's always play together. 

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