Wednesday, 26 September 2012

He will join in

The gospel today speaks of Jesus sending out the 12 apostles. It really made me think, because they were all frail, incomplete in a certain sense, having run away from him, having even disowned him, and yet Jesus sent them out! Why? I think because he saw the most important aspect in them despite the frailties: Love. The central message in the gospels is mutual love and only though mutual love will I understand the rest. Looking at the gospels with the eyes of God, who is love I understand how that love is expressed in so many different ways. 

So, being ill and more dependent on my neighbour I need to love by allowing them to love! As Chiara puts it: when the hour comes we need the love of our brothers and sisters. Let's not feel humiliated, because love will always preserve our dignity the way God see it, not us. I can love if I am attentive to God speaking in me and through others. There is no excuse. I may not be able to run a marathon out of love, but I may be able to listen or to lay the table. Love is not what I do, but how I do it. So I can always love. Today I am not feeling very well and I can offer that for the meeting in Rome and for our little town in WGC. 

I was struck by the fact that it is this love, like the love Jesus had for us on the cross, that distinguishes us from the rest of the world. I am ready to love to the extent of giving my life! In fact I have given my life to God over 30 years ago! Then, anything less becomes possible with God's help. He is with me because he is love and it is him who transforms things not me. I am just his hands or feet or brain (what's left of it!!)

What a gift we have! If we love one anther with that love He will be amongst us, and the world will be renewed. His love is very tangible. I had a letter from Emmaus today saying go ahead on your certain path because your best friend is always with you and will not fail in his presence in the most difficult moments. What a gift! We will never be alone, even though it might seem so at times. Let continue to play together and he will join in! 

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