Saturday 8 December 2012

We have the life of the Trinity amongst us!

"Value the positive in my neighbour”. Where there is a negative there must be a positive, otherwise how do I know something is negative. The negative within me usually tends take its place without asking, whereas the positive appears to be more polite. I discovered that I need to concentrate on the positive to give it its rightful place. For that I need the others, friends with another perspective. In these last nine months so many positive things happened that in a way I have the impression this tumour story is almost more positive than anything else, although I certainly would not recommend it! 

But there is something much more profound here, a different dimension, the dimension of God’s love that is reflected in our lives if we are prepared to see it. Reflecting the way God loves me, each one of us, he gives all of himself, until there is nothing. He loves me totally, unconditionally and always. So, how can I then talk about anything that happens to me as “non love”? The greatest gift I have in each moment is to love him in my neighbour in the present giving what I have, not holding back, because all I have belongs to him. When I give a present to someone, I don’t have it anymore and I am free to receive something. If I keep a present I cannot receive anything because there is already something occupying the place. My experience with God is the same: If I am me holding on to all my concerns and joys, talents etc, there is no space for God. I will offer perhaps a little space, but it will be always be me! If, I get into the habit of loving God by making a “parcel” of love giving all these things to him every time. Then by loving I am free, I am no longer me, because I have given myself to Him and he can live in me! How wonderful! God amongst us all the time! As already said, it is a daily effort and when I don’t succeed Jesus on the Cross shows ma all the time how to start again, to be love, to be positive, to be nothingness out of love, and therefore to be love. It is a grace and I cannot achieve this on my own, hence my neighbour is there in the present. I find that with time and the exercise of starting again become always new, because love is always new. Finally, in my experience I can be love more easily together with others also because in loving one another we have light, we have the life of the Trinity amongst us!

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