Tuesday 25 December 2012

God - Love, the ruby is with us

I saw a hen with a few chicks along the side of a road flanked by a wall down one side. A chick fell from the edge of the wall. The hen instead of calling the chick with the others, descended with all the chicks to become one with the lost one. This is because the chicken is ignorant. If it had been smarter ...
I can really identify with Chiara in what she says here from the point of view of a certain "logic" , but it has also opened my eyes this morning to another reality, the divine, the infinite! Yes, maybe the chicken could be more "logical", or send another chick to go alone or do something else. I was reminded of how many times I can think of a "better way" to do something, when I see somebody trying to do their best! Yet there is another dimension, the divine dimension, the dimension of love. The kind of love that gives everything until there's no more left:
I learned to descend to the level of the other so as to build unity (the same way as the Word became flesh) to descend with all in order to ascend with everyone.
Even God the Father becomes one with the Son, he enters the Son (and vice versa) in what looks like what a bowing down. It is actually an growth in love.
Today I is the feast of “making oneself one! I do not know if we are ever able to understand what it means for God to become a creature! He seems to lose his divinity to become a creature: it is perhaps the greatest expression of his love for us! I perhaps will never fully grasp the extent of such love! Should this is not already be enough for my unconditional love, a "yes" without reserve to Jesus Forsaken, my only good?
So with the souls: I in you and you in me. God then uses all the negative side: pain, nothingness, sin, and turns it into a positive (love!).
So he took advantage of the ignorance of the hen and that of the chicks who alone enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus Forsaken, how much joy, just as a result of your love for each one of us.
Yesterday I was able to stay for a meditation and communion with the other focolares and I had a very strong impression that each of us has a special gift from God. We are each a unique word of God for the good of the whole body. So I cannot say that the hand has less value than the head, or in other words, one perspective of things is more right than another! Yes, today is the feast of truly becoming one! I'll make use of everything seems negative, an apparent waste of time, a way of seeing something in an apparently complicated manner, turning it into a positive through my “mad” love for Jesus on the Cross, my all. And this is very real, visible! So I need to be careful
not let myself go with comments that are not love,
not to always look at the world from my perspective,
to be more out looking towards the other,
to take advantage of the negative side: the lack of strength, the effect of the medication (especially when I start to cry without reason), the memory loss or difficulty to follow the conversations, but also my limitations to always be in an attitude of  love, which I be always with the help of those I live with. 
It struck me yesterday as various people love jokes on one or the other of these so-called negative things and suddenly what seems negative became beautiful opportunities of mutual love! Then we are carefree children of God, each with a mad love for Jesus on the Cross, each one a unique word of love of the Father, entering the Kingdom of Heaven! What a great Christmas not only for us but for the world, because the kingdom of God, the kingdom of love becomes reality in the world:  God - Love, the ruby is with us! Are we really aware of the enormity of this gift?

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