Thursday 30 August 2012

Not because of me...

Reflecting on the importance of the present moment, I have realised just how powerful that idea is, not just for me in my situation but generally. I got two books by Anthony de Mello entitled "Awareness" and "The Way to Love", which pointed me to the present moment in a powerful way. I have the impression that the author concentrates a lot on what I should do to become more aware and open, working on bits and piece in me that are not. I found this rather tedious and depressing, but it also pointed very powerfully to the life of the present moment. 

I only have this moment in my life and I can chose to give it to God and let him act through circumstances and through other people shaping my life. My effort and, I ask his help for this every morning, it be free of the things I might be attached to because I think they are important, vital and cannot be left out, they are "must be done". I realise that I can be free of them if I truly choose God above everything else, yes everything. I must go to the hospital and can't speak to you now. Is the hospital more important than God in that moment? If I don't speak to you, rush to the station and find the train has been cancelled, does that not tell me something? Or we agree a plan of action on a particular topic, in that present moment it is the best possible option. Later other factors come into plan necessitating to review the plan. Am I totally free to welcome the new suggestion? 

I know that all this may sound sensible in theory, but I also know that I find this very difficult at times. I even find it difficult that someone can see the same thing in a totally different perspective!! So, I need to be free from my understanding of living the present moment! Impossible? Perhaps for me, but not for God. So, here enters DIM (does it matter). In order to be free, free to love, truly love without any agenda, interest, nothing Jesus will need to purify my intention through my neighbour. 

What's important? To love you is important! Not the colour of the carpet, not that fact that I think the other always gets his/her way, not that I always have to give in, no. I have loved and I am freed to understand what God wants in this present moment! 

Jesus Forsaken, your are my only good, and only because you are I can be free, free to love in the present moment! But even in the moments I don't manage, you manage for me, because your love for me never diminishes! You are there always and that is why it is possible to live the present moment, not because of me, but because of you!!!! Then the impossible thing happens: The life of the Trinity is amongst us, on this earth! There is nothing bigger than that!!

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