Tuesday 21 August 2012

God cannot be outdone in generosity

I was tempted to reflect on how best spend my limited time, and was so pleased when I was able to dismiss those thoughts in favour of living in the present. I sensed that for me there is a danger to get bogged down with thoughts of that kind. 

All the more I was pleased to see how Chiara dealt with this. It was so refreshing first of all to see here redefining death as her meeting with Jesus. I want to be at my best for my meeting with Jesus! All in order, having overcome some of these bad bits in my character, being always loving and kind, perfect as the heavenly father is perfect! But there are a few snags: 
First of all, my life belongs to Jesus Forsaken. He has never left me and will not leave no matter what I do. What a gift!! No matter what he will be there! God who is faithful in his love for me!!Jesus you are my only good! 
Secondly, is it in my power to get there? What is impossible to us is possible to God. God loves me enormously. He, in his love knows what's best for me. So, why not just o out love the person he puts next to me in the present moment?
Thirdly, in concentrating on all of these improvements, I don't really live the present moment, I don't love the person Jesus puts next to me in the present and who may just be the key to my meeting with Him. 
Fourthly, as part of this marvellous family we are going to God together! I chose to respond to Gods love by loving him above anything else, anything also my getting to Paradise. Nothing will stand between me and my love for God. I love him in the people around me. Perhaps with Jesus amongst us it is easier for all of us to get there!

God is teaching me some really healthy, simple lessons and I wished I had learnt them earlier, but again, lets stay in the present. I was reflecting on how much energy I waste sometimes to prove that I am right or to defend a position taken. As if my life depended on it!! The only effect it seems to have is to put strain on the relationship with the other person...for no good reason. I then need to worry about repairing the damage! In the present there is only one important thing: The person next to me whom I need to discover as gift for me!. Therein also lies the answer to my quest about the rest of my time: It will be a time of countless present moments, each full of presents, unexpected gifts and...much joy!! God cannot be outdone in generosity!

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