Wednesday 1 August 2012

I am loved

Today is a new month and a new Word of Life. Reading it I was quite frightened and worried: Am I really acknowledging Jesus before others? What should I do to improve? But then I saw the answer in the same Word of Life. Through mutual love do we give witness! Together, not just me. Yes I have to live mutual love, but for that I need somebody else. Immediately a number of examples came to mind, but most of all I realised that even the worry about that I need to give to God to be free to love. God's love never will ask anything of me I can't do! So, with my soul at peace I throw myself in the present moment, fully 100%. 
Yesterday I was given a number of tips of how to support my treatment with supplements and reading other experiences of people going through the same thing. I soon realised that I actually have the most important thing: Jesus in me and around me! I feel so privileged by having the most precious thing in the relationship with God. I don't want to diminish any of the other things, but there is just no substitute for knowing that I am loved by a God and that the love he has for me will grow if I in turn love my neighbour in the present moment. In that love he will also point me to the right things to do. That love will also answer my concerns about my way to give witness. Jesus, you are simply great!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Manf,
    Gary here from Chicago; have been following most of your daily thoughts, and many of them resonate very much with me. Yesterday we read the WoL during our focolare meeting and the reactions were similar: first: how do we do this? then: unity among us is the answer. So, we join you in this effort (if this is the right word) ... along with everything else.
    count on my unity.
