Monday 30 July 2012

Hooked up with the inside

Living "inside", to always listen to that voice that speaks within us: the conscience, the voice of God, which is the same thing. That we must always act in agreement with this voice, until we reach the point where we can no longer act "outside" if we do not agree "inside": there is something in the soul that keeps us "hooked up" with the "inside", with the voice of God, with God's will. 
 I was very struck by this passage by Chiara. In fact it is true that over the years and by habit I developed a permanent dialogue with Jesus. Trying to be love always in the present losing everything especially the little things for the sake of the other. I live because I am full of love, not for my ideas or feelings. So even the smallest things I have to lose not because it is not right, but because it needs to be love. So, how to do one thing or another, what seems to be the right picture for what room, how to go about approaching this problem or that. I think we all know the temptation to be "experts" people "with "knowledge and experience" in one field or another. And it is important that I give me contribution with love, which means once given it is no longer mine. The first thing remains the love between us. Then I trust that Jesus cares for me even in everyday things. Then "give and you shall receive ..." To love without interest, without wanting anything, and to be part of the divine adventure of the daily life. 

So I realise that, above all, I need patience, and always just listen to the others. Really listen, not listen already formulating your response, no living in that present moment 100% by listening. Jesus, there you talk through my neighbour and there do I hook up with you in me! I thank you for the gift of my companions, their love and their patience. Give me the same love and the same patience for them. How can I live without them? I would not be touched by the divine in the midst of the world! I would not live with you in our midst!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Manf for sharing what is most beautiful... helping me to focus too on what is the most essential - to love and to have Jesus in our midst. And if this means losing then that makes our love real. I want to try to do that and run the race with you and everyone else! Happy Olympics! Let's go for Gold!
