Friday 1 March 2013

The reason for it all

This is the first idea, the first idea that can already revolutionize our souls if we are sensitive to the
supernatural: universal brotherhood which frees us from all forms of slavery, because we are slaves of the divisions between rich and poor, between nationalities: father and children; between black and white, between races; between nationalities, even between different cantons or counties of the same nation. We are slaves, we criticize one another, and there are many obstacles and barriers.
No, the first idea is to free ourselves from all these forms of slavery and to see in everyone, in everyone... "Even in my little boy? Even in that woman who talks too much? Even in that elderly man who doesn’t make any sense? Even in that poor person? Even in that other person? But is it possible?" Yes, in everyone, in everyone, in everyone. We must see them all as possible candidates for unity with God and for unity with one another. We must open our hearts and tear down all the barriers. We must put into our hearts universal brotherhood: I live for universal brotherhood!
So then, if we are all brothers and sisters, we must love everyone. We must love everyone. We must love everyone. Look, these are just a few words, but they bring a revolution! We must love everyone.
 "Even that woman who lives next door... but she criticizes me, she looks down on me, what a character!" Yes, her too. We must love everyone. Those same notes contain some very useful ideas which tell us how to love everyone. It is written there that we must love every neighbour. But which neighbour? The one who passes by us in the present moment of our lives. So we’re not talking about a platonic love, not an idealistic love, but a concrete love: my neighbours now are you; your neighbour is me, and your neighbour is the person sitting next to you or in the seat behind you. We must love not in an idealistic way or in the future, but in a concrete way and in the present, now. We have to love. We have to love.
I have been over the same text again, but I have been struck by the simplicity of the spirituality: all that matters is to love. Perhaps it’s too simple for us! I am tempted to list all the things that might make me not free. Instead only one thing is necessary: to love. It helpd me also to bette understand this month's word of life  If only two of us are starting with loving… then
Now there are two of us making ourselves one, two of us making ourselves one with one another, two of us
loving one another really as Jesus wants. Jesus wants us to love one another to the point of dying for one another. He doesn’t want us to love one another waiting to die tomorrow or the day after or next year. He wants us to die now. He wants us to live dead, dead to ourselves because alive to love. He wants us to live dead. When two people meet and love one another in this way, then something extraordinary happens, something extraordinary! Just as when two elements combine and cause a third element, which is not the sum total of the two elements but something else, when Anthony and Michael love one another in this way, in this way, with this measure of love, being ready to die for one another, when Anthony and Michael love one another like this, what happens? There is a third element! It is no longer Michael plus Anthony, Anthony plus Michael. It’s not a mixture of two persons nor a group of two or more persons: it is…, it is… Jesus! It is Jesus! It’s Jesus! It’s something wonderful! “Where two or more are united in my name,” says Jesus (which means in this love, in Me, in this love) “I am in their midst” which means: in them. Two or more who love one another in this way bring into the world, generate in the world a flame: Christ himself, Jesus himself, the same Jesus, the same Jesus. It’s fantastic!
Its Jesus himself! Wherever, whenever!  We have the great chance to bring Jesus back on Earth. He the reason for it all!

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