Friday, 26 October 2012

What a great opportunity

Also this year, in all likelihood, some of us will leave for heaven and it's not bad if, for a moment at least, we consider that it could be our turn. Of course, sooner or later the time comes for everyone. It is in this perspective that the life that remains (months, years ...) can not but appear to us as a great opportunity, a unique opportunity, an opportunity not to be missed, in which to create something really nice, great and holy. But how?
Chiara speaking in the link up in 1983. It immediately struck me that this something great will not be being organized, having done big events, or something really spectacular! Chiara herself answers the question:
So as not to miss the great opportunity of life we have left, we take every opportunity to love one another , with the "size" of Jesus' love, with an emptiness of ourselves, with us "making ourselves one" with everyone,  stepping into the others shoes, so that the Risen Christ is in our midst .
Offer the Risen Christ to the world, give birth to Jesus, like Mary did, this is an extraordinary opportunity to be seized.
Suddenly I realise that everything I do, if done with this kind of love will be extraordinary, because it contains God's love. For example organising a house move, moving a telephone point, planning Bright Lights, the forthcoming update weekend, or washing the dishes becomes extraordinary, because it is not me and you who do things but it is truly Jesus who has given us the things we do as a visible expression, the vehicle of that love for one another. What a great opportunity!

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