Friday, 12 October 2012

True anchors

Today I realised how important it is to discover God's love in everything and behind everything. I went to do some shopping and gradually a certain (false) perspective entered my head. I saw a lot of old,and ill people in the shops and though to myself: I thought: This is it! Now I am on the sidelines of life. I can't be active any more running around doing three things at the same time and when somebody want to talk to me so say: Sorry I have to attend to this or that. No, I am now on the other side, of those who may want a quiet word, who are not rushing. Everybody around me is very busy, time is at a premium, in the attempt to move things on there are promises to visit, to do stuff together, to implement this idea and then the next, but nothing actually come to fruition, because there are too many things to do. It is then that I find it easy to judge, to say they don't really mean it, I am just not on the radar, etc. It is true that we are too much in the doing rather than the being, and it takes a lot of courage to step back and sit down without feeling guilty because we should be doing something. In the society that surrounds us value is given and and contributions are measured in terms of what you can do, not what you are. Hence the rat race, the tight deadlines, the high expectations of a perfection we cannot reach. 

Then there is me who by those terms can't do nothing! But if I look at life in that way surely I will be depressed in a minute! Recently I had some requests to share how I live this particular experience which allowed me to see the real perspective: My "job" is to be. But I cannot be, if I am not united with God, if I am not immersed in his life. And in the end there is no short cut  there is no efficiency: talking to my neighbour in the present moment need the time it need, the time God want us to take, talking to God in prayer takes the time it takes, if I really want to talk. Then, and only then can I do, because I truly am what God wants me to be. 

In that perspective I am a point of calm, fixed on the things that are important, a help to those in similar situations as me by sharing a little of how I live the ups and downs and perhaps a little to put things in perspective for all of us amongst all the things we need to do! Be there for others forgetting my little woes I suddenly find that I am just as busy, but in a totally different way. I am busy being calm, just being...hopefully! 

I think this is a marvellous opportunity to be like an anchor for those around me, if that is not too big headed. It is an important job and gives new purpose to things with opportunities to love my neighbour, of being with God, of never just looking at myself. Too be a true anchor I need others to ensure that we always have Jesus amongst us. After all he is the true anchor ad all is rooted in him. Suddenly  I realise if I have the love God has for me I can be what he wants me to be. Whatever that is, it will always be love, his love.  

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