Sunday, 17 February 2013

Not an utopia, but a promise

It so easy to become self-absorbed both as individuals and as groups! On an individual level I wake up every morning wondering what the tumour will bring today, how, am I what is happening for me. Then my morning prayers put me in the right attitude of thanks giving to God for another opportunity to love him, for the health I have, for the neighbours to love in the present moment!
On a collective level it struck me this morning when various people were interviewed about the possible next Pope, they all looked at the benefits or otherwise for the Church. Nobody actually reminded the audience that perhaps we can’t really leave out the Holy Spirit, who has guided the Church through far worse times!
(…)It is difficult and takes a lot of effort to overcome the obstacles, the temptation of selfishness, of self-absorption.
It's the price to turn the wound into a blessing, death into life,
to make the meeting with the other the place where peace and fraternity flowers."
Chiara Lubich writes: "Fraternity is not only a value, is a global paradigm for policy development, because it is the engine of positive processes. After thousands of years of history during which we have experienced the fruits of violence and hatred, we have every right to ask that today humanity begin to experience what could be the fruit of love. "
 It seems to me profoundly human to want to put events and people into a box. I think we find it very difficult to live with opposites, change and uncertainties. God live with these aspects all the time! God is love and by nature that love is both always the same but at the same time always new. God never loves me in the same way and yet his love changes all the time. I only have to look at each day! Her are many thing I don’t know, eg what will the next moment bring. I have the present moment to live and in that moment I can love God in my neighbour! When that love is reciprocated suddenly the life of the Trinity comes to dwell on earth and everything changes! Then there is peace and fraternity and a chance for the most complicated problems to be resolved. Not an utopia, but a promise in the gospel!

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