Sunday, 30 September 2012

No reason not to start again

Going to church this morning I really reflected during the homily. It does not happen often, but today was a gift from God reflecting on Christian love and on not giving scandal. Just yesterday a lady asked me why I do not remove my hood in church. I had the impression that she was not at all happy about it. When I explained that it was  to keep my head warm due to the factor that I have a brain tumour she is turned away. I felt justified in my actions. When I came to Mass this morning she was watching. I remembered that love is not to give scandal and so I removed the cap also thinking that God will look after me anyway, and DIM? Those things are really not important! Returning home, I found a piece by Chiara entitled "Christian." It 's wonderful!
The Christian is one who loves.
Christians are people who love each other.
The Christian is poor, must be poor,
even though God gives the hundredfold in everything:
brothers, sisters, houses, goods, which he distributes and allows others to take part in.
First of all, love! To start with we are so different from the world already! We want the good of others .. always! We want to live always in God's love, together. So I have to be poor, even of my ideas.  When I'm really poor and I am free to love, but also free to accept the gifts that God gives me through others. More love, more can be seen on the outside. So yesterday I got a blender to make smoothies! It's not just providence, but especially the visible expression of God's love! You can see the love of God!
The Christian is pure, loves the cross,
living for the next life,
Please, is united with God more deeply.
Here, then, the secret of our love! Jesus on the Cross, always stay with me even when I fall into judgement  like this morning, I briefly said to myself that my parish priest does not know what to do with my sharing some spiritual reflections with him. I judge because I expect something from him, even unintentionally. That's where my love for Jesus on the Cross comes in! In this pain I can be similar in a little way to him on the cross. We are all free because freedom is a gift from God! In this moment the pain is certainly a cross for me, but I just love you, Jesus, because you are always there, either in our midst on on the cross!. 
So we Christians are really different from the world! On the way home I briefly read something in the Italian New City magazine. I have not read the magazine for a long time. Immediately It came to me to say: "They do not understand anything." Then I realized that I was judging. I put myself above them without any experience of journalism! Of course maybe I can express my opinion as a reader, but only when it is really love, free from any judgement.  I'll have to wait before I say a few things so that everything I say will be an expression of love for my neighbour, will be a bit of God's love! Then I discover that God does the same thing with me: He does not judge, he waits, because love can wait! The waiting time is probably different: God waits a nano second, I probably have to wait a few hours or days, but it doesn't matter.  Again as Christians we are different! The Christian
Does not judge, but has mercy,
is patient and gentle,
is a bearer of peace, light,
and is leaven in our society, gives flavour to everything
has with his brothers and sisters Christ in their midst!
What a challenge! Only my love to Jesus on the Cross, the starting again together in  every moment, to live our holy journey gives me a lot of hope, because alone I can not do it! And there is never a reason not to love because before all else God has loved me first and always will! No reason then not to start again! I will really be a Christian and a Focolarino!

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